Seduce Men

Insight into a man's mind, written by a man. What do men think of women? Why do men act like they do? This insight should indirectly teach you, how to seduce men and understand what men think and how men think. If you would like to ask a question about men, please leave your question on the comments page and I will try to answer it for you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

17) Why do men act like sex starved creatures?

Men have very high levels of the hormone testosterone in their bodies. This hormone means a guy is constantly thinking about sex all the time.

Women don’t like men overtly displaying these desires. Men might lose their jobs through sexual harrassment or they might get arrested, so men suppress their sexual desires.

The problem comes when men drink alcohol or take drugs. Drugs and alcohol turn off the reasoning part of the brain, add that to the high testosterone levels and men can no longer suppress their desires most of the time.

Once men get a taste for sex they become addicted to it. They want to experiment and try different things. The only way they can do that is with different women. Most women do not want sex all the time, so the man has to seek different women if he wants to have sex on a regular basis and experiment with different things.

Men can’t give birth to children and they therefore don’t see sex as dangerous. Having sex for a woman can change the rest of her life because she could end up pregnant and looking after a child. Or a woman could end up with a Sexually Transmitted Disease and end up infertile for the rest of her life. Having sex for men is fun and exciting. Many men don't understand the big impact that it has on a woman, particularly the immature men.

My recommendation is if you don’t want sex don’t give him any encouragement. Don’t invite him in for coffee, don’t flirt with him to a point where you are inciting him to want to have sex. As soon as you invite him in for coffee, his hormones will immediately go wild and he will be anticipating sex, it will be very difficult for him to resist, even if you say no. It kinda flicks a switch in his brain, if you flick that switch in his brain it is extremely difficult for him to resist. So don’t put yourself in that position until you are ready for it.

16) I am overweight and can’t seem to attract men!

No, you have got it totally wrong. What you mean is that you are overweight so you lack self confidence and you think men don’t find you attractive.

First of all sorry for using the terms "overweight women" and "overweight girlfriend", I have to get my point across, I don't particularly like those terms!

Well some men find overweight women more attractive. I know three of my friends that like overweight women. One has being going out with an overweight girlfriend for a year and a half. The other is a bit of a typical man and goes from one woman to another but most of them are overweight women. And the other goes for a mixture of both. And in my case I would say I was less likely to go out with an overweight women, but I probably would if they demonstrated to me they were my type of woman.

If I focus on the friend that has been going out with an overweight girlfriend for over a year. What is it about her that he finds attractive? Well her hair is always perfect, always styled in a way that suits her. She wears clothes that suit her and that make her look less overweight than she is. But most important of all, is her personality. She has a confident, funny personality and a great sense of humour. Add all those together and that is why my friend is still going out with her and that’s why she had many boyfriends before my friend.

So yes you may be a lot more healthy and feel a lot better if you lost weight but don’t try and tell anyone that the reason you can’t find a man is because you are fat. You need to do something about it. Whether it be lose weight, get a better hair style, improve your self confidence, bring your personality alive, wear clothes that suit you. Many men don’t actually realise it but a man can actually find a woman attractive based on their personality alone. He can actually head towards a group of women and think one of the slimmer alternatives is ideal. After talking to her, he gets a bad aura from her and then starts chatting to one of her more overweight friends and finds that her personality is amazing and gradually blocks out the fact that she may be a bit overweight.

While losing weight might be the best long term alternative, don’t presume that because you are overweight men find you unattractive. You may get more knock backs as a result of being overweight, but it could be that the knock backs are as a result of your lack of self confidence.

15) Why do some men grow breasts?

It is caused by a mixture of alcohol and excessive weight. The reason why alcohol is involved is because when men drink alcohol, it is said to increase the female hormone oestrogen massively. As a result massive alcohol intake and oestrogen levels over many years can result in men growing breasts.

The reason excessive weight is involved is that when men eat too much it puts fat around their waist and chest. If they exercise, this fat might turn to muscle, if they don’t exercise then this fat will look like breasts.

Incidentally before you ask, I am not sure whether the high levels of the female hormone oestrogen actually affects a mans fertility, but the logical answer would be yes. Excess alcohol can cause impotence and erectile dysfunction and so is more than likely to reduce his fertility as well.

14) What to do when a guy approaches?

It takes a lot of courage for a guy to approach a woman, most guys are not very good at communication. You have got to deal with the approach correctly.

Unfortunately, he has probably had too much bad advice from his friends. Or thinks that by using a chat up line or being sexually aggressive he can win you over. As you don't like that sort of approach you probably have to deal with him diplomatically.

If you like him, smile and build up a conversation. Don't immediately open up to him, let him work and prove himself to you. But don't be defensive or cold either. At your own speed gradually open up to him and increase your flirting.

Never walk away because you want to play hard to get. If you walk away not many men are going to come back, by walking away you have made it clear, you are not interested. Unless of course you have told him you will be back in a minute or you have given him your phone number.

If you don't like him, be polite but firm about it. This guy has built up his courage to come over and start a conversation with you. Don't say "Get lost loser, nerd, geek or Do I look desperate". Even though they don’t openly show it, men have feelings as well. This is just plain nasty, would you like it if every time you approached a guy they said "Get lost ugly". The chances are that he has told his friends, so not only have you just called this guy a loser, you have also ruled out the chances of getting with his 20 other friends and all the guys that his 20 friends knows. Equally so, making friends with this guy may allow you to strike up a conversation with one of his more attractive friends.

13) Why is playing hard to get the wrong thing to do?

It’s up to you really, if you want to play hard to get, play hard to get. But what you are doing is basically saying to a man, you fancy them and then confusing him and saying you might fancy them. Most men will simply see you as a flirt or think you are playing games with them or that you don’t fancy them. The result - he will just walk away. Playing hard to get is just going to narrow down the amount of men that you can choose from. What you are left with is a few persistent guys, that are not necessarily the best guys to go for.

12) Why women should not flirt for fun?

Many women do it. Admit it! You flirt for fun. You don’t really fancy a bloke, but you want to have some fun, maybe boost your self confidence a bit and have a laugh at this bloke who is falling for you.

Well it is most definitely not funny. It will simply reduce your chance of finding a guy. Men have a name for women that flirt for fun, it is too impolite to mention here. But what you can guarantee, is that you will get a reputation for flirting with guys that you don’t fancy. That reputation will spread because men talk about women a lot.

What will happen is the other guys that fancy you will not ask you out. They don’t want to be laughed at like the other guy was and they won’t be able to tell whether you fancy them or not because you flirt with virtually everyone.

It’s simple, men will no longer find you attractive and the ones that still find you attractive won’t ask you out anyway.

11) Where is the best place to pick up blokes?

Unfortunately the best places to pick up blokes are usually the places women hate going. However you should be thinking that you are there to enjoy the game of picking up blokes not to enjoy the place itself.

Yes the places I am talking about are Football matches, gyms, car auctions and computer fairs. Basically a place where you are going to be far outnumbered by men. This means that you have a wide variety of choice and you are more likely to attract their attention because you are virtually the only female there.

You may think it is boring to watch a football match, but you are not going to watch the football, you are going to watch the men. Guys at football matches must have fairly decent jobs because they can afford a season ticket. So you know you are speaking to a man with at least an average income. If you want to be in with the high earners you will have to purchase the expensive tickets at the expensive end of the ground. That's the price you have to pay if you want to find the high earners. Remember to avoid the family enclosure though, these are full of married men and their kids.

You may think that computer fairs are going to be full of computer geeks or computer nerds. But a wide range of men are into computing nowadays. Computing is an essential skill for virtually every job nowadays. So don't make presumptions that a computer fair is going to be full of computer nerds or geeks. You are going to find a good mixture of intelligent and wealthy kind of men. And the Computer nerds and usually intelligent as well, so why not give them a try.
Spice up your life and visit the places a man would visit!