Seduce Men

Insight into a man's mind, written by a man. What do men think of women? Why do men act like they do? This insight should indirectly teach you, how to seduce men and understand what men think and how men think. If you would like to ask a question about men, please leave your question on the comments page and I will try to answer it for you.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

23) Why do men like Porn and what are Wet Dreams?

The majority (but not all) of men absolutely love porn. They certainly won't admit they like it to women or in public because it is still perceived as shameful. They are scared that a woman will dump them if they admit that they like porn. This is one of the things where men just dare not tell the truth, even if they are usually an honest man. It is therefore usually a very awkward subject to bring up with your boyfriend. The best way to approach it is if you also like porn, show him some of your favourite porn. Then ask him if he likes porn, he is then more likely to give you an honest answer. There are some men that don't like porn or haven't seen porn but I can certainly say they are in the minority.

I tend to flirt between two views of porn. Some days I think I wish it did not exist and then it would not be so tempting because it can become an addictive drug. I also think that it gives men an unrealistic view of women and puts too much expectations on girlfriends to perform certain fantasies for men.

Other days I think it is a very good thing to have, when you consider mans problems with hormones. Men have very high levels of testosterone and find it very difficult to control their sexual desires. Porn basically gives them the ability to release these hormones without harming women. The build up of hormones in a mans body can be compared with a Champagne bottle with a loose cork, that is being shaken vigourously, the pressure builds up to the extent where the cork has to pop at some point. So the good side of porn is that it enables men to see the fantasies that he is never going to be able to perform and also relieve a man when he is not getting any sex.

When men don't view porn they end up having wet dreams, for some reason that sperm just has to leave the body somehow whether it is through having a wet dream, through masturbation or through sex. I can't stand wet dreams because you wake up in the middle of the night sweaty, with wet clothes and wet sheets. In the middle of the night you usually have to change sheets, wash yourself, change clothes, have a drink of water, urinate to get rid of the sperm still stuck inside your tubes (otherwise we end up with an infection). Then it's difficult to get back to sleep and you wake up in the morning with something close to a hangover. And when you experience this anywhere from once a week to once every two weeks it becomes very irritating.

Has a man ever been very adventurous in bed. He has done something that you absolutely loved or absolutely hated. Well he more than likely learnt this from a porn video. Porn teaches men to be a bit more adventurous in bed. It gives him some experience of seeing different positions and trying different fantasies. In most cases this will benefit you because the more different things he tries on you, the more likely he will find something that gives you a heavenly orgasm.

The problem is that much of the porn he sees is made for a mans satisfaction so he is equally more likely to do things you absolutely hate. But you can make it known to him that you don't like it and he can then move onto the next alternative. The problem is, he sees women in these porn videos have fake orgasms and looking as though they are actually enjoying what is happening. Whether female porn stars actually enjoy what they are doing, I can't answer! But he is more than likely to pick up bad habits as well as good habits. This is not a bad thing because you can just make sure he knows not to do the bad things and performs the good things instead.

Then there are the health issues. Often when I have gone too long without getting the sperm out of my body, I have ended up with epididymitis or urine infections. Most probably caused by old sperm dying inside my tubes and clogging the insides. (Sperm dies after so long and that is probably the reason why we get the urge to get it out of our bodies every so often). The other reason is much more serious because it is said that a man who is sexually inactive has an increased chance of getting Prostate and testicular Cancer.

Another debatable reason men put forward for porn is that the penis is a muscle and that muscle needs to be exercised ready for pleasing women. Whether exercising it on a regular basis makes a difference I don't know?

One last word of advice is, don't ask to view his porn unless you are open minded and ready for a shock. Male porn is far different to porn targeted at females. Men have different minds to women and that is reflected in the type of porn they like. Male porn does not usually have any storyline and is usually quite aggressive and roar sex (from a womans point of view). But if you want you can show him your porn, and if you masturbate as well don't be ashamed of him finding out. In most cases men find it a turn on if they find out women masturbate, he might even ask to watch you. Let's face it, men have to hide the fact that we masturbate, if he finds out you do as well, it will be a relief to him.


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