Seduce Men

Insight into a man's mind, written by a man. What do men think of women? Why do men act like they do? This insight should indirectly teach you, how to seduce men and understand what men think and how men think. If you would like to ask a question about men, please leave your question on the comments page and I will try to answer it for you.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

7) How do I find a guy that is not just interested in sex?

That is a very difficult question. Ultimately all men want sex, any man that says otherwise is a liar.

But I presume you mean a man that wants a long term relationship, rather that just a few months of sex or a one night stand. I will explain the things to watch out for.

Flash guys. You know the ones with a BMW sports car (should be screaming out £20,000 in debt), poser, gods gift to women and has a gift when it comes to chatting up women. The women just converge on these guys and his friends. Well you know for a fact that if this guy is surrounded by women, he has got no shortage of interested women. Therefore you can be a bit more intelligent than the average woman and realise this guy is just going to move from one woman to the next. Not the type of guy you want a long term relationship with. Unless you fancy being a single mother, bankrupt because of his flash cars and friends with the dozens of other single mothers he has deceived.

Most women tend to go for the wrong type of men. They always go for men that have girlfriends or are married. That’s a problem. To go out with you, they are usually the unfaithful type that are only interested in sex. Usually they will use you as a bit on the side for a few months without telling their girlfriend or wife. At best they will dump their girlfriend or wife for you, the problem is when the next best woman comes along, you are the one getting dumped.

Unfaithful men can not be reformed so don’t bother with them!

So how do you find the faithful men that are NOT JUST interested in sex. Well you make friends with as many men as possible. Just keep them as friends until you know for certain. Gradually over time they will leak whether they are just interested in sex or whether they want a long term relationship. Believe me there are men out there that want long term relationships, but they won't openly admit it. I am one of the them. Usually the older a man gets the more maturer he gets and the more likely he will be looking for a long term relationship.

You can also pick out from their friends what type of bloke a man is. Usually a friend will say something like “Steven hasn’t had any sex for years, poor guy” Jokingly. You can immediately derive from this sentence that the guy saying it thinks he can get sex whenever he wants and Steven has not had any sex for a while. So to you, Steven should immediately show potential. The chance is if he has gone years without sex, waiting another few months while he is going out with you is not going to make much difference to him. If it does make a difference having to wait for sex then he obviously doesn’t value your relationship, so get rid of him!

My advice is that you never have sex with a guy for the first few dates. This is how you weed out the guys that are interested in you and the guys that are just interested in getting laid. Make him wait at least a month!


  • At 5/18/2011 5:21 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    I disagree with your observation. I dated a single 52yr old man who told me he was looking for a long term relationship. We had sex on date 3, and had a further 7 more dates, only to find out that he was also chatting to and meeting other women for sex on the dating website we met on. I was totally tricked by him. He was purely in it only for the sex, and said/did whatever it took to get it. I am now more cynical that ever about men and dating.

  • At 11/02/2011 3:23 am, Blogger leading said…

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    bye bye good night


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