Seduce Men

Insight into a man's mind, written by a man. What do men think of women? Why do men act like they do? This insight should indirectly teach you, how to seduce men and understand what men think and how men think. If you would like to ask a question about men, please leave your question on the comments page and I will try to answer it for you.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

5) My boyfriend is always going on at me about drinking alcohol!

I think he is scared I am going to get off with another man when I am out clubbing with the girls.

You would be right in saying that. Correct me if I am wrong but the majority of women, when they are sober are not that keen on casual sex. The problem is when women drink alcohol their male testosterone levels quadruple. Testosterone levels increases the desire to have sex, as demonstrated in men! Add to that, the fact that the reasoning part of your brain is switched off by the alcohol. So you may not know it but alcohol is likely to encourage you to have a regrettable one night stand.

If your boyfriend is intelligent and is wanting a long term relationship with you, he may also be concerned about your health. You probably already know about the nasty Sexual Transmitted Diseases, so I won’t bother mentioning them. What many women fail to realise is the damage they are doing to their bodies by drinking alcohol. Alcohol = high male testosterone levels and lower female oestrogen levels. That is not good for your long term fertility.

Add to that the fact that alcohol damages liver and brain cells and you can see why your boyfriend should be concerned about you and every other woman that goes out binge drinking. He does not want an infertile, brainless, unhealthy woman. He cares about you, isn't that a good thing!


  • At 1/11/2008 6:38 pm, Blogger Art said…

    You got to be kidding.. where does it say Alcohol increases testoterone?
    All alcohol does is release our true self. Most people try to bury their sexuality because society seems to say sexual feeings or doing are bad. So we have to drink to release our true selves. It gives us an excuse or courage to fuck like rabbits, which we should be able to do without Alcohol.

  • At 11/02/2011 3:23 am, Blogger leading said…

    Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it into your mouth.

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    bye bye good night


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